Cleaning Up Coldwater

The Public Works department contributes to the Town of Coldwater on a daily basis by performing a variety of tasks. This department ensures that the Town is clean, well landscaped, and attractive. They also perform necessary tasks to provide adequate water and sewer services. Coldwater Public Works strives to provide a healthy and safe environment throughout the Town.

Coldwater Public Works Department, also called the Maintenance Department, has many responsibilities in the Town. These responsibilities include:

  • Streets-repair and maintain safe roadways within the Town.

  • Signs-repair and install signs on streets to maintain a safe environment for all pedestrians and drivers.

  • Storm Water Management-tend to all town-owned drainage to ensure all are free.

  • Grass-mow all roadside Right-of-ways and town-owned property.

  • Brush-remove brush and other large items from homeowners on a scheduled weekly basis.

  • Town Buildings-maintain all town-owned buildings.

  • Sewer-monitor, repair, and upkeep lift stations, sewer mains, and manholes; ensure working flow of sewage to treatment plant.

  • Water-maintain safe drinking water, repair water mains and wells, read water meters.

Please Note:

  • Repairs and major improvements to some roadways are planned. Please be patient and adhere to all signs you may see.

  • If you notice any sign knocked down, please report it to Town Hall at 662-622-7241.

  • Residents are encouraged to help prevent flooding by keeping hazardous materials and trash out of the storm water drainage system. Leaves may not be put into the drains at any time. Homeowners are generally responsible for storm water management on their property.

  • Please be considerate of others and do not allow clippings to enter the roadway as it causes a slick surface and may be dangerous to others or yourself.

  • Brush rules and regulations are listed in the next section.

  • The Town is responsible for the Library, Town Hall, Courtroom, Police Department, Community Center, and Cultural Center. To report an issue at any of these locations or for more information on renting a Center, contact Town Hall at 662-622-7241.

  • Do not put FOG (Fats, Oils, and Grease) into the drain as it causes blockage and can back up into your home or your neighbors home. Please dispose of FOG in the garbage after they have cooled.

Frequently Asked Questions

Brush Truck Service Guidelines:

Requested Guidelines:

The Town asks homeowners to follow these guidelines to provide a safe and speedy pickup:

  • Leave brush within 4 feet of edge of road. Do not leave brush in ditch to block the flow of water. Brush may not be placed on the road as it causes a potential liability to the homeowner and public.

  • LimBs cannot be larger than 6 inches in diameter. Anything larger may not be picked up.

  • No brush piece should be longer than 4 feet. The pile of brush cannot be larger than 5ft by 5 ft by 10 feet long.

  • Brush and other large items must be placed in separate piles. The truck cannot mix BRUSH AND OTHER LARGE ITEMS per the landfill.

  • The Town will not pick up any items discarded or cut by a contractor. All contractors or trimming services are responsible for their own debris of any kind.


    Crews may refuse to pickup certain brush piles that, due to their size or composition, are outside of these guidelines at the discretion of the Public Works Director or his designee.

  • Public Works gets all orders from the Town Hall. If you would like for Public Works to assist you in any way, you may call Town Hall at 662-622-7241 and request a work order. The work order will the be given to Public Works in a timely manner.

  • Delta Waste is the Town of Coldwater’s contracted Garbage collection service. They are scheduled to begin collection on Thursday of every week. They often continue to collect on Friday if unable to collect all garbage on Thursday. In the event of a holiday, the garbage will be collected the following two days after. For more information, you may contact Delta Waste at 662-627-9646.

  • Brush or bulk garbage is considered large items such as furniture and appliances or dead vegetation such as limbs or bushes. Garbage is considered household trash, collapsed boxes, and other non-hazardous waste that may fit into a garbage can.

  • Mayor Glenn Billingsley is the Supervisor of Public Works. He may be contacted at 662-622-7241.